Life coach對許多人來說, 是個很新穎的名詞. 就像健身教練或是游泳教練,生活也需要教練. 人生有許多十字路口, Life coach給來訪者一個安全的傾訴空間, 發掘他們內在的潛能, 分享經驗, 提供方向, 也陪伴他們執行.
父母為什麼需要coach? 除了前面說的種種, 更因為這是一項報酬率極高的投資. 沒錯,投資並非必需,但卻絕對值得. 就像運動是對身體健康的投資, 藉著coaching, 父母可以從不一樣的視角來看教養中的挑戰,從而找到最佳的處理方式, 營建良好互動的親子關係. Parenting coach不只是幫助面對挑戰的父母, 更是為了使每個家庭有更美好的親子關係, 和身心更平衡, 更有自信的父母.
Parenting Coach不是心理諮商, 不是醫生, 不是治療師. 而是一個有養兒育女經驗, 值得信任,願意傾聽,可以陪伴著一起走過高山低谷,喜怒哀樂的同伴. 不要再等待了,預約體驗一下吧!!
Parenting coach, a new term for many people. Just like a fitness coach, using a parenting coach is an investment. Not an essential need but a totally worthy one. You are investing time and money to establish a better relationship with your children and to become a better parent. A parenting coach is not a psychotherapist, a therapist, a psychiatrist, or a counselor. A parenting coach is like an experienced mentor, someone you can trust, and talk to who is willing to walk this parenting journey with you. It is an investment you will never regret!