除了信仰, 甚麼是我們能給孩子最好的禮物? 最新的PS5? 最豪華的遊輪假期? 最頂尖的學習環境? 其實,我們能給他們最好的禮物, 不是任何物質,而是時間!
時間很公平, 每個人一天都只有24小時. 時間很寶貴,因為一生就只有那麼多,只會減少不會增加. 所以,我們把時間用在哪裡, 就是把生命放在那裏. 我相信所有的父母為了孩子,命都可以不要. 但諷刺的是,我們卻常常不覺得把時間用來陪伴孩子是重要的. 我們花很多時間打拼事業,為了給孩子豐衣足食的生活,和高人一等的未來. 卻忽略了他們成長路上真正需要的,其實是我們現在擁有的分分秒秒. 時間是我們可以給一個人最好最珍貴的禮物, 因為所有美好的關係都是時間的累積! Pastor Rick Warren說過這樣一句話, “生命最好的詮釋是愛,愛最完美的表達是時間,而最好展現愛的時間是現在.” 你今天把這份珍貴的禮物給了甚麼人或是甚麼事呢?
Besides faith, what is the best gift we can give to our children? The newest PS5? The most luxurious cruise vacation? The best school? To be honest, those are good, but the most wonderful gift we can ever give our children is our TIME. Time is a very fair thing, everyone has 24 hours a day. We only have a fixed amount of time in our life, nothing we can do to increase it. This means, where we spend our time is where we spend our life. I believe all parents would give their lives to their children without thinking twice. Ironically, we are not that eager to spend time with them. We spend most of our time working hard to provide them with a better life. Thinking this will help them to have a better future. However, the truth is that what our children need the most is never material. All relationships are the result of the amount of time you invest in them. Time is the best and most precious gift we could ever give to someone. Pastor Rick Warren once said, “The best use of life is love; the best expression of love is time; the best time to love is now.” To whom or what have you given this wonderful gift today?
This is a great reminder that there's no such a thing as quality time without sufficient quantity of time.