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愛自己 Love yourself

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

愛自己聽起來好像很自私,但其實在養兒育女的過程當中,這是一個非常重要的元素! 如果父母一昧的犧牲,沒有了自己的

時間和空間,那可能會導致在教養孩子過程中失去了彈性,耐心和正能量. 甚至會在孩子不聽管教的時候,把這些犧牲轉成對孩子的情緒勒索,覺得我為你犧牲了這麼多,你就應該聽話,導致親子關係緊張.

抽空和自己獨處,找到自己的興趣和愛好,和三五好友吃飯喝茶聊天,這些不是偷懶而是正面育兒的必須品. 馬不停蹄的日子裡,好不好稍稍暫停一下,喘口氣,做些讓自己放鬆的事情. 記得,養兒育女是一場至少十八年的持久戰,我們需要調節步伐才能走的長,走的遠,走的不留遺憾!

Does love yourself sound very selfish? However, it is the key element when it comes to raising our children. If a parent only knows how to give and gives up all his or her time and space, he or she may end up losing all the patience, fixability and the positive attitude. Even worse, some parents may use the sacrifice as emotional blackmail. The result of it is a super tensed parent-child relationship

Find time for yourself, cultivate your hobbies and interests or go out with friends to have some fun. These things can be very important keys to positive parenting. We are all super busy every day. Try to pause yourself and do something that helps you to relax. Always remember, raising children is a continuous battle that lasts for at least 18 years. We need to adjust ourselves, love ourselves in order to walk this long journey with positive impact!

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